Events Calendar
postponed: 4th Annual Ice Skating at MarketStreet Lynnfield
41st Annual ‘On Our Way’ Conference

Join us for a baby sign language workshop for newer parents! This workshop will provide an introduction to using American Sign Language vocabulary in order to facilitate communication with your little one. You’ll learn when and how to start, what signs to start with, and strategies for incorporating sign language into your daily routine. We’ll have fun learning how to add signs to songs you and your baby already know and love to sing! This workshop is geared for parents of infants and toddlers.
This is an interactive workshop, so it would be great if you have your child with you, but if he/she is napping no worries…join us anyway for lots of fun learning!
Lane Rebelo, LCSW, is the author of including Baby Sign Language Made Easy, The Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language, My First Book of Baby Signs, and Baby Sign Language Songs and Games. She is the founder of Tiny Signs®, an award-winning baby sign language program. As a licensed social worker, Lane worked for many years with families in the Boston area. Lane began studying American Sign Language in 2006 after her first baby was born and was amazed by all she had to say. She lives with her husband and two children in MetroWest Boston.
YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Any questions, please reach out to Sarah Cullen ( or Angela Lombardo (
This is a wonderful workshop – we hope to see you!
Taller de Lenguage de Señas
Pequenas señales, grandes conneciones
Sábado, Marzo 8, 2025 de 10 – 11 por Zoom
Unete a nosotros en el taller para lenguaje de senas para nuevas familias! Este taller ofrecerá una introducción al vocabulario de Lenguage Americano de Senas para facilitar la comunicación con su pequenito. Aprendera cuando y como comenzar, con que señales comenzar, estrategias para incorporar el lenguage de señas en su rutina diaria. Nos divertiremos adicionando señas en canciones que su bebe ya conoce y sabe cantar. Este taller esta dirigido a infantes y pequeñitos.
Es un taller interactivo, así que si puede traer a su hijito/a seria muy bueno, pero si está tomando su siesta no se preocupe…igual únete mientras aprendemos amenamente!
Lane Rebelo, LCSW, es autora de Baby Sign Language Made Easy, The Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language, My First Book of Baby Signs, and Baby Sign Language Songs and Games. Ella es fundadora de Tiny Signs®, un programa de baby sign language que recibió premios y reocnocimientos. Como asistente social certificada, Lane ha trabajado por muchos años en el área de Boston. Lane empezó a estudiar American Sign Language en 2006 despues de que nació su primogenitor y estaba asombrada con todo lo que hablaba. Junto a sus 2 hijos y esposo vive en MetroWest Boston.
Para registrarse comunicarse con: Tatiana Salinas:
Whatsapp: 347-836-0900